10 Ways to Fill Up When You’re Feeling Funked Out

Let’s face it, we all have those days where nothing seems to be going right. There’s all sorts of reasons we can sometimes feel like we’re walking through the valley with shadows looming all around us. Who knows if it’s a special time in the moon cycle or the planets just aren’t aligned in our favor? For whatever reason, we all have an off day.

There was a time in my life when I lived in that space for weeks at a time. Back then, I turned to all sorts of substances including food, alcohol, and drugs for comfort. I have even tried shopping and seeking approval from others to feel good. Of course none of these actually worked for very long and usually just caused a whole lot of shame and guilt, which usually just made me feel even worse, and then the cycle would start all over again. Luckily those moments are few and far between, but when they do come, it’s good to have a plan of action in place. I recently went through a shadowy time. Thank God it didn’t last long, and instead of staying stuck or reaching for something outside of myself to ease the pain, I plugged in a few of my tools. And guess what!? Within an hour or so, I felt sooooo much better! YOU CAN, TOO!

Here are some of the tools that I use when I’m feeling funky or disconnected:

1. Journaling: write it out…whatever it is…just put your pen on paper. You will be amazed how much better you feel after.

2. Ask for help: call a trusted friend or family member that you can share with. Sometimes we just need to be heard in order to shift our energy. And don’t forget to call upon your angels and guides. They’re just waiting to help you.

3. Go for a walk: move that energy!

4. Take a bath or shower: there’s nothing like taking a shower or bath. It always makes you feel refreshed and invigorated. I love using Epsom salts and essential oils in my bath. Lavender is calming and relaxing while peppermint, eucalyptus, and orange are invigorating. Plus, they make the whole room smell divine!

5. Cook a nourishing meal: there’s something about creating a yummy meal for yourself that just feels good. There are so many healthy and tasty recipes readily available to us nowadays. Try something new. Try something colorful. Feed your soul.
6. Turn on some music: need I say more?! Sometimes you might need some gentle relaxation music and other times you just gotta turn it up and dance it out! Singing at the top of your lungs is a sure-fire way to shift funky energy.
7. Get out in nature: sunshine + fresh air = peace in your heart and mind.
8. Create a gratitude list: giving thanks gives us more to be grateful for. Focus on all the blessings in your life, and before you know it, your mood will shift.
9. Be of service: focusing on someone else is one of the best ways I know to get out of my own sh@!
10. Meditate: whether it’s two minutes, five minutes or 10 minutes, take the time to breathe and plug-in to the magic of The Universe. It is there to support you.
I hope some of these tools are helpful to you the next time you’re feeling funked out. I’d love to hear how YOU raise your vibration when you’re down. Feel free to shoot me an email or comment below. I would love to hear from ya!

Until we meet again,

Sending you oodles of love and lots of light!



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