30 Days to Loving Yourself

For years, I struggled with a lack of confidence and love for myself. It seemed that everyone around me could see the beauty in me (which felt good for awhile, but it never really lasted.) I struggled with lots of critical thoughts and never really seemed to be able to get free and stay free until I began to consistently practice loving and honoring myself. That meant EVERY DAY. No matter what was going on. I admit, I haven’t done it perfectly, but when I do, my life feels inspired, exciting and FULL of love!

Whenever we get into a place of self-doubt, judgment or fear, we can shift our beliefs with a few simple tools:

  1. Ask yourself if your thought or belief is really even true. The chances are if you have to ask, you probably already know the answer. The way you can tell that something isn’t true is that you begin to feel a little off and out of alignment. Your emotions will feel out of whack. Your body may not feel good physically. You may start to seek things outside yourself for validation. You may want to shop, eat, or escape in other various ways. You may even begin to feel drained. If it makes you feel out of alignment in any way, then it probably isn’t true.
  2. Ask for help. Invite your angels, your guides, the God of your understanding into helping you to see the truth.
  3. Sit quietly and allow the wise voice of your inner being to speak to you. Not the loud, obnoxious one that compares you to others and tells you that you can’t or that you’re not good enough. I mean the one that is still, subtle, gentle, knowing and loving. The one that makes you feel AAAAAAAH! Or perhaps even AHA!!!
  4. It may be helpful to write a list of all the negative thoughts or beliefs you are having down in a notebook. On the left side list all the limiting thoughts or beliefs. Make a list of all your fears. Then on the other side, write out the exact opposite in a sentence that is present tense. Use words Like “I am” or “I have.” Even if it doesn’t feel true for you now, write it down anyways. Here’s some examples:

Fear-I am afraid of being judged.

New belief-All of my experiences are joyous and loving. It is safe to be seen.

Fear-I’m not good enough.

New belief-I have everything I need inside me…right now.

Fear-Other people’s stuff, gifts, experiences, etc. are better than mine.

New belief-I have unique, amazing and incredible gifts to share with the world. I am free to be me.

You get the idea … Now practice these affirmations several times a day. Every time a negative thought comes up, STOP! Ask yourself if this is true. Ask for help and then affirm the opposite.

5.  Give thanks. Expressing gratitude creates the space for even more gratitude. Say thank you for the awareness, even if you don’t mean it yet, do it anyways. Your thoughts and feelings will flow to where your attention goes. Your body hears everything you think. The very action of expressing joy, gratitude and thanks plants the seed for more and your emotions and beliefs will follow over time. Practice this for thirty days and you will be amazed at the new attitude, peace, health, abundance and joy you will begin to feel. Be consistent. You deserve to be valued. You deserve to be appreciated. You deserve to be free. You deserve to be loved!

I would love to hear from you and your experience with this exercise. Please feel free to email me at: marci@marcicagen.com

I look forward to hearing from you!



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