4 Steps to Shift that Stinkin’ Thinkin’

Hi there!

Last week I hosted a free teleclass where we chatted about some tools that are helpful in shifting those limiting thoughts and beliefs that sometimes crop up and try to rob us of our peace and self-worth. I revealed 4 simple steps you can use to shift that stinkin’ thinkin’ and in case you missed it…I have re-posted them here:

  1. Create a list of all your doubts and fears. Example: I’m not good enough. They will judge me. I should be doing more, etc.
  2. Shift it to a new statement that empowers you. Use present tense words that bring your awareness to this moment. The point of power is always in this moment. This is the moment where change is created. Right here. Right now. Example: I am enough. All of my relationships are joyous and loving. I am in the process of positive changes, etc.
  3. Focus on these new statements as often as possible. Find fun and creative ways to bring them into your daily activities. You may want to have little reminders posted on sticky-notes or perhaps use a dry-erase marker on your mirror to remind you of your positive statements. REMEMBER: Consistency is key.
  4. Focus on gratitude. What you think about, you bring about, so why not focus all that energy on something you actually WANT!? When you focus on gratitude, it creates more opportunities for you to experience gratitude. Keep a journal about all the things you are grateful for. Even if you just start with 5 things, writing them down refocuses your energy and gives you an “attitude of gratitude.” Doing this practice for just 30 days will create a new neural pathway in your brain that will shift the old thoughts and patterns that have plagued you for so long. It works. It really does.

Remember, consistency is key to creating a new experience for yourself. After all, those thoughts did not create patterns in your conscience overnight. Chances are those negative thoughts have been consistently running for quite some time, so you must be consistent with your practice of shifting them, too. YOU DESERVE IT!

If you would like to learn more, check out my NEW Self-love Group Coaching & Teleclass. This is a 3 week series on Tuesday nights starting on February 28, 2017:
When we choose to align our thoughts with love, peace, and compassion, we begin to experience miraculous changes in our life. During this incredible three part series, you will learn many powerful tools that will allow you to end self-sabotage and negative self-talk…and finally find forgiveness for yourself (and others) once and for all.
Here’s what you can expect:
  • I’ll reveal simple tools to help you remove blocks like self-judgment, criticism and fear.
  • Get step-by-step guidance on how to dissolve old patterns.
  • I’ll share mantras and meditations that will help you create long-term change in your life.
Each session will be recorded, so even if you can’t make it to the live calls, the recordings will be sent to you afterwards…so that means you can attend from ANYWHERE! You can even show up in your jammies or listen on your way to work if you choose to.

The classes will run three nights: 2/28, 3/7 & 3/14. Instructions for accessing the calls will be sent to you via email once your registration has been received.

You can register here:https://marcicagen.com/events/self-love-teleclass/



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