Discovering Your Purpose

I used to believe that my “life purpose” was a destination, a point we arrive at in our lives where we can finally feel complete and whole. My destinations have included the perfect career, a soul mate relationship, being a perfect mother and daughter, losing weight, gaining weight, having clear skin, thicker hair, bigger boobs; the destinations go on and on. If only I could achieve these goals, obtain these things, this feeling of restlessness, and uneasiness would dissipate. Then I would be okay. Then this ever-gaping hole inside me would finally be filled. It was like a semi-truck had driven right through the center of my being and I was always trying to fill it with a Smart car. I was forever looking outside myself, comparing how I felt on the inside to what I perceived others having on the outside. If only I could have that, look like her, do what she does, then I would be enough. And guess what?! Even when I got those things, accomplished that stuff, I still didn’t feel like I was enough. Sound familiar?

It wasn’t until I chose to love myself, to be kind, to be loving, and to treat myself the way I so readily treated others, that I found permanent change.


One of the tools I have used to accomplish this in my life is affirmations. Using positive affirmations on a daily basis has been monumental in changing my attitude toward myself and others. I use a dry-erase marker to write them up on my bathroom mirror and then repeat them as I am brushing my teeth and putting on my make-up and so on. I also post them on sticky notes all over the house and repeat them throughout the day. It was only by being consistent and committed to this practice, that I finally found the love I was looking for all along. Since it’s almost Valentine’s Day, I thought it would be fun to offer you a new twist on the holiday and invite you to have a new Valentine this year…YOU!

Why not create some sweet little Valentines for yourself?

Here’s a list of affirmations that you can use to send yourself some love:

I choose love.

I love and accept myself exactly as I am.

All of my experiences are joyous and loving.

I attract lasting, happy relationships into my life.

I am grateful for all of the love in my life.

I welcome love into my life with open arms.

I know I deserve love and I accept it now.

Love comes to me easily and effortlessly.

I give and receive love easily and joyfully.

I love and approve of myself right now.

I am ready for healthy, loving relationships.

All of my relationships are meaningful and fulfilling.

As I share my love with others the universe mirrors love back to me.

Today I release fear and open my heart to love.

I am grateful for everyone in my life.

I deserve loving, healthy relationships.

I deserve to be loved and I allow myself to be loved.

I am a radiant being filled with light and love.

I openly express love to all those I meet.

Divine love is working through me right now.

I bathe in the unconditional love of my Creator.

Love radiates from me at all times.

I am open and receptive to the love of The Universe and I accept it now!

This year, show yourself some love and appreciation the way that you so readily offer it to others. Pamper yourself. Maybe buy yourself some flowers or that new book you’ve been wanting. Treat yourself with kindness and just see what a difference it makes.






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