Do Something Different, Get Something Different

Holy moly! What a roller coaster of emotions! I recently let go of a relationship that was no longer serving me, and even though it was best for EVERYONE involved, I still felt angry and afraid that I had to make the choice to walk away. Somehow I felt obligated to show up like I always had, to do what I’ve always done, even if it was painful, even if I wasn’t having my needs met. I felt like I needed to be loyal because this person had been there for me through some difficult times and we had created some amazing experiences together, and yet my heart felt heavy with being the only one that was still showing up. Don’t get me wrong, I am not a victim in any way. I allowed myself to be hurt by not speaking my truth, and I didn’t walk away until the pain and frustration were so great, that I was about ready to explode!

When I finally did get the courage to ask for what I needed, there was no response. None. Nada. Zilch. (Which is still a response, by the way.) Part of me wanted to stay quiet because it felt “safer.” You know that little voice that says: “Don’t rock the boat”, “Let sleeping dogs lie,” “Don’t actually ask for what you need because you might actually get it! And then what?!?” It was all just that same old “not good enough” story wearing a different disguise while being supported by a big line of BS that has kept me stuck for years. That very same story that has given me an excuse to stay stuck in the familiar (even if it’s painful and uncomfortable) instead of stepping into (GASP!) the unknown…



The Unknown.

The space of uncharted territory.

The place where anything and everything is possible…if only I let go of what I have known and TRUST that the path will appear. Well, for whatever reason, I trusted Spirit in that moment and let go with love. I spoke my truth, thanked the other party for the amazing journey and all that I have learned, and then…

I. Let. Go.

Just like that. And do you know what?! I received a message on facebook within a matter of minutes offering the help and support I needed from someone I had never even met before. AMAZING! Do something different, get something different. Funny how that works! I let go of what is not working with love, and within a matter of minutes, The Universe offers the support I desire and need! Of course! You can’t make this stuff up!

Why wouldn’t Spirit have my back this time? Spirit has always had my back…and Spirit has YOUR back, too! What are you holding onto that is no longer working for you? Ready to try something new? I will hold the vision that God and the Angels will support you in releasing whatever (or whomever) it is that is holding you back from claiming your highest good. READY?! And so it is!



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