Judgment vs Love: What We Think About, We Bring About

All of my life I have yearned for connection with others. Don’t get me wrong, I love my time alone. In fact, I NEED my time alone, but it is an innate quality for every human being to have connection with others. Over the years I have done lots of self-evaluation and inventory, which has included lots of laughter (when I could actually find the humor in my humanness) and lots of tears. I have found that what is usually bothering me in someone else, is the very thing that irritates me about myself. (You know that old saying, if ya spot it, ya got it?!) It never ceases to amaze me how much other people reflect to me the parts of me that I have rejected. Of course, I don’t enjoy admitting that when I’m in it, and when I’m actually in one of my judgmental modes, it is not likely that I am going to be all that open to hearing this…until the yuckiness sets in…you know, that thick, sluggish, nasty energy that starts to settle in when I realize that the very thing that I am being judgmental about in someone else actually lives in me, too. Oh sure, I may not be acting out of it, but my free will certainly gives me the option. And although I may get to choose not to act out in the same way, just the fact that I’m judging someone else for whatever it is starts to bring me down. The paranoia sets in…maybe not in that moment, but later on in the day or perhaps the next day, I start to think that other people are saying or thinking bad things about me…YUCK! Why do we do that?! Why do we sit in judgment? To make matters worse, if I start to gossip or talk crap about that person or situation, I only bring MORE yuckiness! Our voice has power. Our words have a vibrational energy all their own and if I use them in slander, then it only thickens the harshness and damage.

The Law of Attraction (Manifestation Teachings), The Holy Bible, and the Golden Rule all pretty much say the same thing, “Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You.”  I believe the saying “what we think about, we bring about,” so if I am busy judging you, I can’t help but to start to feel the energy of that judgment within myself. If it goes unchecked or (God forbid) I actually feel justified in my anger, not only do I feel that within myself, but it starts to block me from my fellows AND (here’s the worst part) I start to feel disconnected from Divine Love.

I know this because just last week I was talking s#!@ about someone and the yuckiness started to creep in…I KNOW, I KNOW, I’m a spiritual teacher! What?! I was judging someone else openly and out loud!? I’d love to tell ya that I’ve been practicing all of this unconditional love and angels and meditation stuff long enough now that I don’t do that, but I am by no means perfect. I am still learning. I am still human…and GUESS WHAT!? It’s okay. Now, what’s NOT okay is for me to stay in that yuck…because it separates me. It separates me from you, from Spirit, from myself. So within an hour or less, I went to the person I had gossiped to and made amends. I admitted that I was wrong for gossiping and that I knew it caused harm to them to hear all my garbage and apologized. Then I asked what I could do to make it right…which I already knew was to stop doing it!!!

Then I prayed, not to be forgiven, because I believe Spirit has my back and already knew what was in my heart…what I prayed for was the person who I had said yucky things about. I sent her love and peace and compassion and joy, because that is what I want…to have love and peace and joy, and you know what?! I do have that. I have a freedom and happiness within and no amount of gossiping or putting someone else down has EVER given me that … EVER! Only sending others peace and well wishes for their highest good has given me that. Only kindness and forgiveness has given me that.

It’s interesting, when I think back on all of the times where I was most afraid, the root of it has always been my fear of being alone, yet every single time I have sat in judgment of someone else, it has done just that, created a wedge that causes me to feel alone. Today, I choose to be impeccable with my word (in my thought life and outwardly.)

What I think about, I bring about.Today, I choose love. After all, we are all one. What I say or do to you, I say and do to me. I pray that together WE can be the love we wish to see, that when I free you, I free me. Thank you, God. Thank you, Angels. And so it is!



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