How to Not Take Things Personally

Hello sweet pea!

Hope your October is off to a fabulous start! I have been traveling a lot the past couple of weeks, and while my adventures have all been FANTASTIC, I have really noticed that I can sometimes take others people’s S%#! a little personal…

Does this ever happen to you?

You’re just be-bopping along, having a great time and suddenly find yourself getting sucked into somebody else’s bad mood/ funky energy, etc? If so, here are a few tools that I use to help me shift that S%#! and NOT take things so personally:

  1. Take back your power-nobody but you is responsible for your energy. If you don’t like what is being said or how someone is treating you, take some action and do something about it. You deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.
  2. Ask for help-call in your angels, your guides, the God of your understanding and ask to be filled with loving compassion. I will often ask Archangel Michael to surround me and protect me from all negativity while affirming “Only love and light are welcome here.”
  3. Speak up for yourself-sometimes you just gotta set some boundaries and/ or speak your truth about how you are feeling. And remember my friend, there is always a kind way to do so. I like to ask Archangel Gabriel to guide my words to be honest, kind and loving.
  4. I pray for those that have caused me harm or that are getting under my skin to have all the blessings that I would want for myself or my loved ones…ya know, stuff like






After all, the energy we put out is what ALWAYS comes back to us…ALWAYS! Remember, where your attention goes, energy flows.

Lastly, I would like to offer you a short visualization that you can use pretty much anytime, anywhere:

Visualize or imagine a glorious white rose about 3 feet in front of you … notice the perfection of its soft petals … the gentle strength of its stem … its vibrant and luscious green leaves. Inhale deeply and perhaps you will even sense its beautiful angelic aroma. Notice the subtle power that emanates from it … creating within you a sense of peace, calm, and well-being.


Now, notice this beautiful essence radiating outward towards you … inhale its tranquil splendor. See yourself calm, relaxed, and at peace. Feel yourself filled with its strength and magnificence as you begin to bring into your mind’s eye the current situation that is troubling you.


You are safe to observe from a place of comfort and security.  Know that the rose is taking on all of the negativity so that you no longer have to. Allow the rose to absorb any and all negativity…. seen or unseen.


Feel yourself gain wisdom, strength and clarity from its gentle presence.

Know that you can return to this exercise any time that you are feeling disconnected or overwhelmed by someone else’s energy.


And so it is!

If you enjoyed this short visualization, you might also enjoy my new book “How to Meditate Using Guided Imagery.” You can purchase your very own autographed copy HERE.

Until we meet again…

Blessings of love and light to you, my friend!




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