Angels and Affirmations

Affirmations are positive messages for your mind, body and spirit. Use them daily to inspire and heal.

* I am peace

* I am love

* I am light

* I am divinely guided by the Angels

* I trust my loved ones will be protected by the Angels

* I believe in the Universe’s messengers, the Angels

* I am loved, unconditionally

* I am open to my Guardian Angels

* I trust the angels

* I deserve help from heaven and I accept it now

* I am protected and guided by my Angels

* My inner voice and feelings are guidance from Spirit and the Angels

* I trust that my guides will attract only miracles in my life

* I am open to my healing Angels

* I deserve love

* I deserve peace

* My angels and I enjoy new opportunities to be of service

* I am thankful for my life and my Angel of perception

* I am now surrounded by Angels

* The Angels shine the love of the Universe upon me and through me

* I accept love from the Angels

* I call upon the Archangels to help and guide me

* My inner voice and feelings are guidance from the Angels

* I know that the Angels love me and are guiding me right now

* I accept the Angels’ love

* My Angels and I enjoy new opportunities to give service to the world

* The Angel of Inspiration guides me to do anything I truly desire

* I am divinely guided by the Angel of Happiness

* I am divinely guided by the Angels toward optimal health



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