Letting Go of Worry and Fear


I was driving across town yesterday while singing (at the top of my lungs, of course) “Let It Go” from the movie Frozen when some tears sprang from my eyes…not because I was sad, but because I felt overwhelmed with a sense of love and acceptance. You know that feeling of grace that comes when you just feel aligned with The Universe?! Yeah, that.

And it got me thinkin’…there have been so many times in my life when I have allowed worry to rob me of that joy and peace in the moment…when fear has literally snatched the rug from under my feet and left me feeling paralyzed and isolated. I recently read an article where the author disclosed that the word worry is actually derived from an Anglo-Saxon word that means to strangle or to choke! Can you imagine? Of course you can! We all can relate to that stifling feeling that comes upon us when we are struck by worry or fear. It can actually destroy our inner peace. Whether your worry is connected to health, career and finances, loved ones, or that old grueling experience of worrying about what other people think, my hope is that  the following visualization will guide you in “letting go” of inner turmoil and help you reclaim your inner peace.

Close your eyes and take a deep, deep breath … and relax. Imagine you are sitting on the bank of a beautiful tranquil river. As you listen to the sound of the running water, you feel a deep sense of calm wash over. You are surrounded by a dense forest of massive trees which tower over you and the river, creating a lush canopy of protection and security. These enormous trees are thick with rich textures that echo with the colors of autumn, weaving a rich tapestry of golden, coppery tones mixed in with vibrant reds and rusty maroons. In the distance, you see some of the leaves that have been released. Like nature’s glitter, they swirl through the air, glistening in the sunlight, as they dance upon the cool breeze that brushes upon your face. Sitting quietly on the water’s edge, you take in all of the radiant beauty that surrounds you now.

Tune into your body. Don’t try to change anything, just observe how you feel. Pay attention to how your body feels.


Now imagine that every time you breathe in, a feeling of calm and security washes over you. And when you breathe out, imagine all of your doubts, insecurities, worries and fears become like the leaves from the nearby trees.

Watch as all of your limiting thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and stories drop down into the water below. See them drifting down the river. Just observe them as they float away… one by one … into the distance.


Become as empty as you can.


Now, moving over to the edge, you see an image of your own reflection in the water below. You notice a radiant smile curling up the sides of your mouth, mirroring back to you a wonderful new sense of freedom and peace. Feel your insides glowing with warmth and gratitude as you continue to relax upon the shore.

Tune back into your body now. Don’t try to change anything, just observe how you feel. Do you notice a shift? Pay attention to how your body feels now versus when you first began this journey. Know that you can come back to this sacred space whenever you feel worried or overwhelmed. Trust the wisdom of your inner forest. Just like the cycles in nature, your inner guidance always knows when to let go of the old, worn out patterns and make room for new growth, new life, new experiences.

Affirmation: I can trust the current of life. I go with the flow and I am free.

This is an excerpt taken from my latest book: “How to Meditate Using Guided Imagery.” If you’d like to purchase your own copy, please click HERE.

Until we meet again…

Sending you oodles of love and BIG hugs!




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