4 Crystals to Enhance Your Meditation Practice

Meditation is a regular part of my life and has been for quite some time. While my methods of practice vary from day to day, I really like to incorporate gems stones and their healing properties into my daily routine. I know there are oodles and oodles of crystals out there, but just to keep things simple, I am going to focus this blog on the main 4 that I work with for enhancing my meditation practice. You can either hold them in your hand, wear them as jewelry, or simply have them near you as you meditate. Their subtle energies work on a deep level, helping one to increase their state of relaxation and heighten their intuitive abilities.

  1. Amethyst – I LOVE THIS STONE! Amethyst is a very protective and grounding stone, guarding from all forms of negative energy. With strong healing and cleansing properties, this stone also calms the mind to provide mental focus, emotional centering & spiritual awareness. I like to use it with a little Lavender essential oil.
  2. Quartz Crystal Though it is one of earth’s most common minerals, Quartz is an incredibly powerful and versatile healing stone. A clarifying stone, Quartz amplifies the energy of all other stones and increases one’s emotional energy. It helps one connect with their spiritual side, amplifying prayers and positive visualizations while opening one to higher guidance. Quartz is a great stone to use while journaling or doing any automatic writing exercises.
  3. Moonstone –  This is a great stone to use for deep introspection and inner reflection. As it aids in tranquility, Moonstone is especially helpful for deep peace, sleep and meditation.
  4. Rose Quartz – This is my personal go to for just about everything. With its gentle ability to open and purify the heart, Rose Quartz is the most powerful stone for attracting love and peace. Working from the inside out, it has profound calming abilities, promoting acceptance and love of one’s self.

That’s it! That’s the top 4 stones I use for meditation (although I do work with and wear a bunch more for many other things.) I hope you found some inspiration for your own practice.

What are some of your favorite stones to use during meditation? Please feel free to comment below. I’d love to hear from you!



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