Beginner’s Guide to Meditation

Why Meditate?

Over the past few years, meditation has become mainstream. We see it popping up just about everywhere … and for good reason! The benefits of meditation include decreased anxiety and stress, increased mental clarity, a stronger immune system, better sleep … the list goes on and on. I’ve been practicing meditation in various forms for over twenty years. I owe much of my health, happiness and amazing life to this one simple tool. My daily meditation practice has grown over the years, giving me an internal power that supports everything I do in the world. I can’t imagine what life would be like without it.

Beginning Your Own Practice

Starting something new can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming and intimidating, but I assure you, beginning a meditation practice requires only one thing … a slight bit of willingness. Your desire to experience something new is all you need to get on a new path of peace and well-being. Here’s a few SIMPLE tools to help you get started:

Make a commitment to yourself, every single day, to take the time to nurture the relationship within. Whether it’s two minutes, or five minutes in the morning … or whether you spend thirty minutes at night while soaking in the tub, just making the commitment to yourself to meditate daily will change your life.

Create a sacred space. Many people find it helpful to have a special space within their home that is dedicated their daily practice. Some even find it helpful to have altars with different mementos such as crystals, pictures, and other things that remind them of their connection to their higher power upon them. Then there are those that find solace on their yoga mat or sitting at the table drinking a hot cup of coffee or tea. Other people feel much more connected out in nature, listening to the birds while  walking among the trees. Still others prefer to attend church to nurture their inner connection. Whatever you choose, choose a quiet place that you look forward to and enjoy being in. Check out this previous post from my BLOG for more ideas.

Breathe. We all know the power of presence, but just how do we stay in the present moment when our minds are occupied with a huge to-do list? One nice thing about the breath is that it’s always with us. Simply becoming aware of your breath is all you need in order to bring yourself back to the present moment. Taking long, deep breaths enhances your awareness and increases the body’s level of relaxation. On a physical level, it even has the power to reduce your heart rate, easing worry and anxiety. Practice observing your breath often. You will be amazed how easy it is to let go of your busy mind after practicing this for a while.

Write it down. Writing is so powerful. Although I am sitting at a keyboard typing this out right now, I prefer good old fashioned pen and paper. There is something magical about putting pen to paper. Keeping a journal of some sort not only allows you to process through thoughts and emotions at a rapid pace, but your intuition and connection to your Higher Power will begin to soar. Keep track of the ideas that flood your mind during your quiet time. This is your true connection to Source. Trust it! You will be amazed what heals, transforms and awakens within you.

Let go of the need to do it “right.” As a meditation teacher, one of the biggest blocks I’ve seen hold people back is the need to do it “right.” Let’s get something straight right away. There is no wrong way or right way to meditate. There is only the way that feels right for you at this time. There are about seven billion people on the planet today. I believe that means there are probably seven billion different ways to connect with a higher power. Your practice does not have to be the same as everyone else’s. Be sure to explore all of your options and see what works best for you.

What’s Next?

Starting a new meditation practice may feel awkward or uncomfortable at first. That’s totally normal. That’s why we call it a practice! Stick with it. Stay consistent and committed and before you know it, it will become a sacred time that you look forward to each day.

If you would like some extra tools to help you along your way, be sure to check out FREE TOOLS TO ENHANCE YOUR MEDITATION PRACTICE HERE. 

As I have already said, practicing presence has shifted my life in miraculous ways. It doesn’t take much to start a new practice. The only requirement is that you start. Taking the first step towards inner peace is the only beginning you need to make.

Happy Meditating!



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