DIY Bath Bombs

Bath bombs are a fun + easy way to add excitement to your senses while enjoying the therapeutic benefits of essential oils. Creating a relaxing environment at home can be done using just a few simple ingredients.
Plus, bath bombs make excellent gifts for both adults and children. When making for kids, try adding just a few drops of food coloring to the mixture. Not only will they love that the water changes colors, but they’ll also love the fizz from the bath bomb!


1 cup citric acid
1 cup baking soda
½ cup cornstarch
½ cup coconut oil
8–10 drops of your favorite essential oil
Recommended oils: For relaxation, try lavender, sandalwood or ylang ylang. For a mood boost, try eucalyptus, peppermint or citrus oils
Note: Citric acid can be found at most major supermarkets in the canning section. You can also use almond oil or olive oil in the place of Coconut Oil.


  1. Place citric acid, baking soda, cornstarch, and oil in a bowl.
  2. Add eight to 10 drops of the essential oil or blend of choice.
  3. Mix well with spoon until soft dough is formed. It should have the consistency of damp sand. Note: If the mixture is too wet, try adding a little more baking soda and cornstarch until consistency is correct. 
  4. At this point, you can add food coloring, a small amount of dried herbs, or flower petals to enhance the appearance.
  5. Roll dough into ball -OR- Place mixture into silicone molds. Let sit 24 hours before handling.
  6. To use: Drop into warm tub and allow to dissolve.
  7. Enjoy your soak! 



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