Did you set any goals for yourself or make any New Year’s resolutions? How’s that going for ya? Oftentimes, it seems we start out with a bang and tons of gusto on all of our goals and desires only to find that after a few weeks, our intention peters out and we slip into the same old thoughts, stories and routines. Well, I know this story all too well. I used to hold high expectations and aspirations for myself only to be “let down” when I didn’t achieve them and then I would quickly shift into a shame spiral which always lead me to my self-fulfilling prophecy: “See, I knew I wasn’t good enough.”
Well, NO MORE!
I have discovered a few tools that have empowered me to LIVE AN INCREDIBLE LIFE and EMBRACE MY DREAMS!
Whether your goals are about health, career and finances, relationships or whatever, the following information offers some great tools to help you stay on track:
- WRITE THEM DOWN. If you haven’t already done so, write your goals down. There are countless articles and testaments to how writing your goals down gives you a firm resolution and commitment to what you would like to create. I like to write them in the form of an affirmation, using words that are present-tense, as if they were already true. Using phrases with “I am” and I have” are super powerful because they create the feeling. And the feeling creates the joy. And that’s what you want to tap into…the joy! The joy creates a wonderful vibration of peace and love and THAT is the perfect place to manifest from! For example: I am joyful. I am healthy and peaceful. I love my body and my body loves me. All of my relationships are joyous and loving. I have everything I need to succeed. I have all the support I need to fulfill my dreams. (You get the picture.)
- CREATE A VISION BOARD OR VISION BOOK. Cut out words or pictures from magazines or find some online that you love. I used stickers and all sorts of fun things to create mine. (See the picture?) Not only are they super fun to create, but once again, you will get into the feeling of what it will be like to have all your dreams come true and THAT is the vibration that will begin to attract that which you desire to create. BEWARE though! Almost EVERYTHING I have posted on a vision board has come true. Maybe not in my time, but all in Divine Time! So BE READY!!!
- Use the first two tools daily (this is essential) to cultivate the feelings in your body and images in your mind’s eye. Let it be a practice as important to you as brushing your teeth or combing your hair. Sit with this in your morning meditation or allow yourself to daydream throughout the day. Repeat your affirmations out loud. Look at your vision board/ book throughout the day. (My girlfriend keeps hers at her desk. I keep mine over the bath tub where I can focus on it every evening.) Be consistent and committed. YOU DESERVE IT.
Use your creative ability to cultivate your heart’s desires, not worry and fear. So often we spend time thinking about limitations or what if’s, riddling ourselves with doubt and fear.
We get to co-create our reality.
Why not cultivate your dreams?! Why not embrace the magic?! Show up for yourself every single day and watch as your dreams come to fruition right before your very eyes!