Keeping our energy field clear is crucial for our overall well-being. From sage smudging to sound baths, there are many ways to cleanse our space and our auras. Here’s a few ideas to inspire you:

1, Regularly smudge your space with sage, palo santo or any other favorite herbs. I personally love the calming effects produced by burning Nag Champa incense as well.

2. Use Himalayan salt lamps to purify the air and energy in your room or office. I also encourage you to try Himalayan salt in your baths and body scrubs. These minerals ease sore and tired muscles and clear out negative emotions that  can lead to exhaustion.

3. Place protective crystals near doors and windows, or consider wearing them as jewelry. Here’s a few gems and their healing properties for you to consider:

  • Clear Quartz: Master Healer – amplifies intentions
  • Amethyst: Calming and Intuition
  • Rose Quartz: Love and Harmony
  • Black Tourmaline: Protection and Grounding
  • Citrine: Abundance and Creativity

4. Play high-frequency sounds to break up stagnant energy. or attend a sound healing event with singing bowls or chimes. I have a number of free meditations available on the  INSIGHT TIMER app. You are also always welcome to join us for a soulful in-person sound healing experience. 

5. As previously mentioned, sage smudging is great for cleansing your environment, but I also like to use essential oils to clear energy. An EO that I really love for this is Orange. It really helps to lift your spirits via its specific vibrational frequency. (Plus, it’s kinda hard for people to stay in that negative mindset when they’re smelling orange.) Some other options include:

  • Tangerine
  • Bergamot
  • Ylang Ylang
  • Lime

Alright that’s about all for now, so next time you need to neutralize the negativity in your space, give one of these a try and let me know how it goes!



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