Full Moon Self-Care Ritual

Full Moon Self-Care Ritual

The full moon is a powerful time to connect with your inner wisdom, raise your vibration and give thanks for all of the amazing blessings you have in your life.

In this post, I’m sharing all the magical details about my personal full moon ritual so that you can learn to create your very own transformational experience each month. 


Let’s dive in! 

So what exactly is a full moon ritual and why do we do it?

The full moon is the most powerful energetic phase of the moon. We usually set intentions and start new projects during the new moon phase and celebrate all of the blessings and manifestations that we have in our lives during the full moon phase.

You can use this time to connect with your inner wisdom, nature, your angels and guides, the god of your understanding, or whatever you feel most connected with. It’s also a great time for releasing any excess energy or pent up emotions. In a nutshell, it’s a magical night for gratitude, releasing what no longer serves us and celebration! 

Creating a Full Moon Self-care Ritual

Here’s an example of a simple ritual I like to do each month:

1. Ground

Ground your energy by taking a few deep breaths…inhaling deeply into the belly; and then exhaling completely. I do this 5-6 times which always brings a sense of comfort and peace.

2. Release

Take a few moments to do some writing. If there is any negativity going on inside me (judgement, fear, etc.), I write it down with the intention of letting go what no longer serves me. I then take it to a little fire pit we have in our backyard and burn it, asking for all the funky energy to be released and transmuted. 

3. Create a Sacred Space

My sacred space is almost always in the bathtub. I have a few tools that I use to set the mood including bath salts, herbs, and essential oils along with a few of my favorite gemstones like Moonstone, Selenite and Rose Quartz. I also like to light a candle and put on some soft music with the blinds open so I can bask in the soft moonlight. (Don’t worry, my backyard is private so no one can see me. 😉 ) If you don’t have a tub, or baths just really aren’t your thing, that’s okay! The important thing is to choose a quiet and cozy place where you can be alone for a little while.

4. Give Thanks

At this point, I begin to express gratitude for all of the blessings in my life. First, I give thanks for my strong healthy body. I then bring to my mind’s eye all the people that I love and all the wonderful experiences and opportunities I have recently had. If there’s anyone that needs any extra love and light, I ask my higher power to surround them with healing for their highest good. I also envision all of nature’s beautiful animals on land and in the sea, sending them love, light and healing as well. Lastly, I give thanks for our clean air and water, trees and ocean and “see” our planet surrounded in a white ball of light, bringing peace and love to all beings.

5. Celebrate

I usually spend several minutes soaking in the beautifully scented herbs and oils meditating upon all the beautiful blessings and manifestations that have come to life since the new moon. I also take time to celebrate all of my growth over the past two weeks. I feel this part of process is really important because it gives us the opportunity to really honor ourselves and all of the beautiful contributions we make in the world. Yes, it’s important to set goals, but it’s also equally important to celebrate our accomplishments as well.

6. Journal

After my bath, I spend a few moments writing about my experience. I also like to draw an oracle card and reflect on its message. I conclude this sacred time with a prayer of thanks and head to bed with love in my heart and a smile on my face.

I hope sharing my full moon ritual has inspired you to create your own self-care ritual. As always, create a ritual that feels right for YOU. There is no right or wrong way to do a moon ritual; there is only the way that best suits YOU. Get creative. Have fun with it!

Until we meet again, wishing you lots of love and moonbeam blessings!



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