Last week I talked about letting go of some things in order to step into my dreams. Sure, there has been fear and self-doubt along the way. That stinkin’ thinkin’ likes to get in there and tell me I’m not good enough, but it’s my responsibility to take back the reigns, ask for help form Spirit and then TAKE ACTION. In other words, feel the fear and then do it anyway. After all, why would Spirit plant the seed of a dream in my heart if it were never meant to grow?
It hasn’t always been easy, but I am doing it. I am living my dream! I have spoken in front of thousands of people (with my heart pounding out of my chest every single time), I have written several books, I have been on the radio and television. I have been a witness to the deep transformation and healing in others. I have felt the arms of the angels more times than I can recount.
I believe in you! I believe in your dreams!
Are your ready to claim them? If so, what is one action you can take each day that will move you toward your goals? What is one small thing you can do TODAY that will move you in the direction of your dreams?
This is what I propose…
- Take out a sheet of paper and a pen
- Center yourself by taking some nice deep breaths (maybe even put on some music, light a candle or incense) and close your eyes.
- ASK your spirit what it wants you to know about your dreams.
- Give thanks.
- Open your eyes and write down EVERYTHING that came to your heart and mind.
- Now choose one thing to do (you don’t have to do it all right now, but once you take a step and move the energy, you’ll find you have even more inspiration and desire to continue.)
Taking just one action every day toward your dreams is all it takes. Be consistent and committed. You deserve to have your heart’s desire.
You deserve to LIVE YOUR DREAMS!
I am holding the vision of you stepping into the life of your dreams. You’ve got this, my friend… and you don’t have to do it alone! Spirit’s got your back…and so do I. Soooooo… what’s one action step you can take today to move toward your goals? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below. Let’s do this!
Affirmation for change: I am open to the blessings and opportunities The Universe has in store for me! And so it is!
Love you all! MMMMWAH!