During my early twenties, I took my health for granted and focused only on the aesthetic appeal of my body. It was not until I was working as a nurse and had to assist people with the simplest of tasks that I realized how blessed I really am to be in this beautiful body. It may sound strange, but my patients taught me so much about being grateful for my body and all of the amazing things it does every single day. I often had to catheterize people that couldn’t use the restroom on their own. Soon after, I routinely started giving thanks for my wonderful bladder and kidneys. It might sound funny, but I’ll tell you what, it really gave me a whole new perspective.
Think about it, if you get a paper cut on your finger, you don’t ever have to sit around and worry about whether or not it will heal; it just does. There is an innate wisdom within the body that knows how to heal itself, even when we don’t take immaculate care of it. It really is a miraculous machine. Your body has been there with you through everything. It has been there through the good, the bad, and the ugly. It is the magnificent vehicle that allows you to experience this wondrous journey called life.
So many people struggle with body image. We are bombarded on a daily basis with media that and ridicules the natural aging process and encourages us to have flawless skin, perfect hair, and tight buns. Often times, people decide they will only feel happy with their body if they are able to maintain a certain number on the scale or fit into their ideal pair of jeans. Of course when you get into the business of comparing yourself to others, the internal judgement only multiplies.
What if… we could start to view our bodies from a new perspective?
What if… we could focus on our health and the wonderful things our bodies allow us to experience? (Like hugging, yummy food, cool breezes, pungent aromas, laughing, dancing…you get the picture.)
What if… we started expressing gratitude for all of the things our body does for us, not necessarily what it looks like?
I wonder what would happen if we approached the body with kind and loving words instead of negative judgments and ridicule?
Why not treat your body like the AMAZING friend it is? How might your life be different?
How would you feed it?
How would you care for it?
How would you speak to it?
How might you HONOR it?
After all, your body is listening to EVERYTHING you say.
Who knows? You may even see your aesthetic appearance change once you start loving and appreciating your body exactly as it is.